After some website craze, Skateboarding, Power, and Change is available to order.
Oh, even better, you get free shipping and if you use this exclusive code: LmEJvD59DAT7N3 by July 5, you’ll save some loot on your purchase.
Indigo and I were also guests on the Mostly Skateboarding Podcast, so if you’re a smart consumer, you’ll peep the pod and use this listening experience to decide if you’d like to buy an eBook or hardcopy because of the economy and all…
And here is some info on the book:
Is skateboarding a sport, an art form, a vehicle for expression, or some amalgamation of all of the aforementioned things and more? It depends on whom you ask but what is certain is that skateboarding in 2023 is in the middle of both a renaissance and a reckoning. With peaking popularity, participation, and visibility, skateboarding's grown from a toy to many diverse cultures across the globe. Along with the tricks, sessions, contests, brands, media, meet-ups, and events, there's a palpable change happening in the culture, focused on pushing skateboarding to reflect the diversity of those who embrace it.
This book aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of how change happens through the perspectives of key change-makers in skateboarding. Insights are shared by 42 remarkable individuals covering themes that include First Nations sovereignty and creative innovations, joy, resistance, and anti-colonialism, as well as anti-racism, Black Lives Matter, and Black and PoC skaters-run initiatives. The book also explores evolving forms of subcultural power and subcultural entrepreneurship, the rise of skatepark advocacy and city skate activism, and a growing focus on gender equity and empowering women, non-binary, and LBGTIQ+ skaters. Other topics covered include changes to skate media, the transformative power of satire and humor, the growth of consent education and awareness initiatives, and social projects on inclusion and belonging. The book provides a window into various forms of leadership, lived experiences, and expertise that has led to an ‘ethical turn’ in skateboarding today. The dynamic changes in skating are also connected to conceptual and theoretical frameworks drawn from contemporary skate research, skate journalism, and the field of sociology.
CONTRIBUTIONS FROM: Dani Abulhawa | Thomas Barker | Kyle Beachy | Alec Beck | Lisa Berenson | Kailey ‘Bayr’ Blackburn | L Brew | Amelia Brodka | Rhianon Bader | Izzy Cooper | Doyenne Skateboards | Kristin Ebeling | Paul Forsline | Bethany Geckle | Chris Giamarino | Brian Glenney | Tommy Guerrero | Keegan Guizard | Sarah Huston | Brennan Hatton | Norma Ibarra | Atiba Jefferson | Christian Kerr | Patrick Kigongo | Adrian Koenisberg | Denia Kopita | Lynn Kramer | Ryan Lay | Ashely Masters | Douglas Miles Senior | Douglas Miles Junior | Peggy Oki | Kevin Pacella | Ted Schmitz | Latosha Stone | Karlie Thornton | Timothy Ward | Alex White | Shari White | Cindy Whitehead | Kim Woozy
Thank you to the Mostly Skateboarding Crew, Adam Abada for his incredible illustrations and insight, everyone who helped with the book, and, of course, Indigo Willing for bringing me into this project, despite my lack of any academic prowess… I mean, I have a degree and shit but I was terrified to take on this kind of writing.
Awesome can’t wait to read this!
looking forward to reading this -- congrats 🥂